Beaches, Bars & Bungalows is now a TV SHOW!

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Marybeth

You read that right. Beaches, Bars & Bungalows travel blog is now also a TV SHOW. Who knew when we began eleven years ago, showing you the coolest under-the-tourist-radar coastal towns in Florida to put on your next-visit list, that our mission to champion locally owned small businesses would blow up, in the very best way possible. Into a beautiful, professionally and stunningly produced TV SHOW.

I’m not sure when I’ll stop shouting that part in all caps. Probably not any time soon. Bear with me, as my heart rate remains high, and we want you to share in the excitement. We know you’re going to love it.

Discover Florida Channel approached us with this idea: Let’s do a show together! Let’s get the word out in an even bigger way, showing these places you’ve found, for travelers looking for that hidden gem getaway. The places the locals beg us not to talk about.

Random photo combinations but, through the years, some of our favorite places!

You may have heard of Discover Florida Channel. The show most people say “I KNOW that guy!” about is How to Do Florida, hosted by Discover Florida Channel’s Creative Director Chad Crawford. Chad has often been called “Florida’s Ambassador” for good reason. Chad established Emmy Award-winning Crawford Entertainment in 2010 to produce branded entertainment programs, distributing the content for millions to see.

Producing series like Flip My Florida Yard, Saltwater Cowboys, For the Love of Honey, the kids’ show The Outsiders Club, the documentary Protect Our Paradise, and travel, food, and outdoor adventure shows, Crawford Entertainment provides quality entertainment featuring the world’s largest collection of premium Florida programming.

Just a small sampling of Discover Florida Channel’s extensive line-up of series and shows!

Stream The Florida Lifestyle: Download on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV or on your phone. Go to Discover Florida Channel now and begin watching! Especially that excellent new show, Beaches, Bars & Bungalows!

You know when you meet someone, and your outlook aligns so amazingly well with theirs you feel intoxicated? When I first met Chad Crawford and Senior Producer Katie Schroeder, our ideas were flying all over the place, but in sync. It was like the workers in their orange boots at Pike Place in Seattle. The exuberance on their faces as they chuck those fish! That was us. (And for the record, we did not meet for adult beverages. The intoxication was fueled purely by fellow Florida love.)

And now those ideas have blossomed into a creation that would’ve been beyond my imagination when we first started our blog. Even now it feels surreal. Watching the show, giant smiles on our faces, my husband and I clinked our coffee cups (it was way to early for happy hour) and toasted the talented writers, production team, and editors who shaped this gorgeous motion picture.

We were transported beyond the pages of my carefully crafted words and tons of photos I love to show you on our blog. As much as I appreciate artful still photography, seeing our ideas in motion – with music, a super-cool voice over, gorgeous drone footage, people enjoying the heck out of their beach day, their beach drinks, elevated beach cuisine, and that perfect bungalow-type spot for R & R – I have been carried away to a whole new world and I may not come back.

Kidding! We will continue to explore and publish our blog. Florida offers so many opportunities to experience uncommon destinations where people just like you and me have put their creative spin and focus into giving that singular experience that travelers like us seek. We will never run out of places to visit and share with you. On our blog, and on the TV SHOW.

I am a Consulting Producer for the Beaches, Bars & Bungalows show. I spend hours – days – researching (I am a research nerd) and recommending to Senior Producer Katie Schroeder places to feature. My lists are long and wordy (sorry, Katie) and I also feel moved to compile a “Town Vibe Visuals” for each place. This is not a requirement for my role, but we all want to show you the best parts of each town.

Watch it now! You’re going to want to write this stuff down. You will see places you’ve never heard of. This show will have you exclaiming “THIS is where I want to go next!”

One of the best parts of being a Consulting Producer is after I ship off my giant opus of suggestions to Katie: the final decisions are not mine! Crawford Entertainment makes all the final choices. The show’s scripts are created by Katie, though I do spot some of my phrases and descriptions in the show.

Katie: “I totally borrowed a few things from your blog!” Me: “Borrow away! We are Team Triple B!”

Follow along as I share with you behind-the-scenes photos and video clips on Instagram, and some in-depth insider info here about what it’s like to help produce a TV SHOW!

Download the Discover Florida Channel app today for your phone, Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire TV.

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  1. Marybeth, I love your blog and your beach bungalow is beautiful!! So excited to hear about the TV show!!

    1. Thank you so much Christy, and I apologize for this delayed reply. This past year has been a bit of a wild ride (a wonderful one) but it whizzed past, leaving me a bit in the dust as far as making sure I’m on top of comments here on the blog. Your support and comment is so appreciated!

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