Updates on Our Beach Bungalow: Paint Choices, Building Stuff, and Rodents

Last Updated on May 26, 2018 by Marybeth

You know we’d rather tell you cool places to go in Florida than talk about ourselves. We’re not even comfortable with humble-bragging. But now and then we like to give you updates on our sometimes-bumbling, often-two-stooges efforts at redecorating, and living the beach life, with our two dogs and a squirrel. And now with my youngest daughter living here temporarily with her four “girls”…. (Rats. But “girls” sounds better) …yes, we are a 2 dog 5 rodent family.

Read how our squirrel came to be ours, here

Our beach “bungalow” isn’t a bungalow in the strict sense of the word, but we can call it that, because who likes strict anyway? Strict was the head nun at my Catholic elementary school (and I wasn’t even Catholic) who called me into her office because my blouse was untucked. “Missy, you look like a slob.” Whoa.

Despite that scarring experience I moved forward and grew up, married my hero and we blended our eclectic family and bought a little house near the beach. And my shirts are always untucked now. My cut-offs and flip flops would be scandalous, and slobbish, to poor old Sister Janet.

Our life may look and sound breezy and bright, like everyone else’s on Instagram, right?

Photo by Jennifer Shaver Photography

But just because I don’t let you all see me in close-ups (#NoMoreCloseUps, #TheWrinklesOfaSeventyYearOld) and our posts are tweaked and curated within an inch of their lives, it doesn’t mean everything has been all popsicles and pony rides for us. Just like everyone else’s real lives, we’ve had Stuff. “Everyone has Stuff” is a common phrase around here, because who are we to judge. I’m a breast cancer survivor. I lost my mom, who was my shining star and I hers, suddenly. Some of our kids have had massive struggles including a horrific period of time when… Wait. That’s another story for another day, or maybe never. We got through it and we’re all closer and so very real because of it, and other Stuff that we don’t want to talk about today.

Today is to show you the little bitsy progress we’re making around here, slowly pulling our early 1960s rancher into this century. We’ll also share lots of photos of Puppet, Gizmo and Illy, and one of The Girls. So if you’re not a big fan of rodents (we met one last night, she freaked out when she heard about Illy, and she cannot be our friend) don’t say I didn’t warn you.

First, I can’t believe it took us so long (almost 6 years) to paint over the haggard yellowish wall color in the living room.


Paint Choices

I can barely stand to look at this photo. That yellow.


The new white is Ultra White by Valspar, and the gray I can’t find the can to tell you what it’s called. We did have a darker gray accent wall, we thought it was a nice driftwoody gray but turns out it was just too dark for the small room.


Okay not a giant difference, but in real life the room feels way more ethereal


New gray and white. Have I mentioned before that Mom was mildly scandalized when I painted over the original finish of this pie chest? Pretty sure she forgives me now.


Building Stuff

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you yet (I will ask for forgiveness later) but Robert has been creatively constructing a shop full of nautical- and mid-century modern- inspired stuff to eventually make available to the public, online. We’ve chosen a really cool name, and soon we’ll announce the opening. Here we come, Etsy! But for now here is a for-your-eyes-only glimpse of what is to come:


When I styled this shot I didn’t realize I should have dialed down the height of the tripod, as it’s a bit tall for the squatty chair…


So how cool IS that tripod lamp? Pre-order yours in the comments below ๐Ÿ˜‰

Related: From Granny Guestroom to Shipwrecked Kids’ Bunk Room

Before we move onto rodent pics, I want to ask your opinion. I used to be a paint peely kind of girl. I was drawn to chippy, crackly furniture like other people are to puppy memes. (Those too, for me. Swoon.) Nowadays both Robert and I are feeling more like wood is our thing. Sleek, rich wood. And white walls. Wood and white with pops of color.

So I’m thinking of making him strip down the yellow chipped desk to its bare wood and then doing whatever it is he does to make it look rich and classy. What do you think?


Although now that I look at this photo with the squirrel bites on the left front, I’m not sure how classy the result can be… Yay or Nay?


Related:ย  From Boring Brown Beach House to Colorful Cottage


Onto the animal pics. Just one thing – some of them may have gotten a little fat. We are working on that. So, no judging. And really, as long as they’re healthy and happy, who’s to say that a Waverly Wafer now and then is a bad thing?


Puppet the rescued Chihuahua mix, not barking for a change



Handsome gentlemanly Gizmo, who is happy as long as we’re happy



Eschewing the green veggies, Illy chooses a cracker instead. (Just realized how many photos we have of him eating.)



Gizmo, Mae and Puppet at the dog beach – the happiest place on earth



No caption needed



Illy has this heartwarming routine now where after he eats his breakfast, he comes into our bed and curls up on my right side for Mommy massages



And the temporary additions, from left to right:ย  Ningbo, Steves (Rat Stevens), Beans (Albeana), and Bingo

If you’re totally weirded out by rodents, you won’t still be with us, but did the rest of you know:

  1. Rats are intelligent
  2. Rats have distinct personalities that are endearing – Beans is shy but the one time Illy got into her room she zoomed over and tackled him
  3. Rats can be litter trained
  4. Rats can’t live happily alone, hence the purchase of sisters
  5. Rats only live a couple of years, hence the new purchases of Ningbo and Bingo


Stay tuned as we return to our regularly scheduled mission of guiding you to the coolest places to swim, play and stay in coastal Florida. Up next:ย  Best Recently Revitalized Hotels in Florida That Aren’t Chains.




  1. I love this! Haha the rats are totally adorable, and Rat Stevens is a great name. Wood and white with hints of color never goes out of style!

    1. Thanks so much Sarah! Glad the rats didn’t weird you out. Mae has become so attached to her bigger girls especially, moreso than she imagined. We get it: Illy is such a special part of our family. And thanks too for the vote about the wood and white with hints of color!

  2. What a lovely read. Thank you Marybeth! The photos are gorgeous. Especially loved the shots of Illy. Happy beach house to you!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Katy! Illy is a special guy. He does wreak a little havoc, but these days after said havoc he naps most of the day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Monsy Arias Dymond

    Hi Marybeth๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ
    Lovely place, grey & white is a classy combination of colors. Iโ€™ve in love with your life style and your unique and beautiful family since I found you on IG almost 4 years ago…
    Enjoy your place an every minute of your life. ๐Ÿ™…โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’

    1. You are the sweetest Monsy! (Not sure why I didn’t see your comment until now.) Your kind words mean so much to me. I enjoy seeing your lovely photos on Instagram and am so glad we became “Insta” friends! I do feel so grateful for my life here.

  4. Marguerite M. Foust

    Marybeth, charming story with great pictures, but that picture of Illy getting his morning “mommy massage” is unbelievably precious!!!! The look of utter bliss on his little furry face….. Thanks for sharing with us ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Rita! You’re so right, he is blissful when he’s getting that massage. He comes and finds me more and more as he gets older, it’s so sweet!

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